Massage Therapy Coeur d'Alene

Chiropractors CDA a (Northwest Integrated Health) company uses licensed Board Certified massage therapists for muscle work. We know massage therapy as an important component of your healthcare and aids our treatment plan to get you back to your highest functional state as quickly as possible.

Our massage therapists utilize a variety of techniques to improve function, aid in the healing process, improve quality of movement, decrease muscle over activity, inhibit the chronic pain cycle, and promote both relaxation and well-being.

Our therapists work closely with our medical professionals to coordinate your treatments and to ensure the best possible outcome from your massage.

Massage is always covered if you are involved in a car accident by your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) policy and is often covered by your health care insurance. Our doctors at Northwest Integrated Health will be able to provide you with a prescription for massage if one is needed by your insurance.

Benefits of Massage Therapy:


We also offer cupping as an add on to massage therapy. Cupping is a type of body work that uses the suction created by cups to help:

The marks left by the cups are created from the suction of the cups and caused by blood, toxins & fluids under the surface of the skin. Cupping marks can last between 5-9 days and typically do not hurt.

Ask our trained massage therapist for more information!

Our Team

"Dr. Burk has 100% exceeded my expectations. The first day I went in, I felt I was at home. I could openly speak about the issues I was having and he genuinely listened and answered.
No fluff, no beating around the bush, just straight to the point and that’s how it should be done.
After the last two sessions with him, I can confidently say I am healing much faster and haven’t felt this type of relief in weeks.
Thank you for all your help Dr. Burk!"

shaymus marriott

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